Local MP Jeremy Hunt, John Slater from the Runfold Action Group (RAG) and local Councillors Pat Frost and Roger Steel met with representatives from SITA on Friday to discuss future restoration plans for the landfill site in Runfold. RAG. SITA own the land which is currently used as landfill and for sand extraction until 2021 and by this time the land must be fully restored. With the help of Jeremy RAG wanted to seek an open dialogue in order to set about constructing plans for full restoration of the site. SITA have promised to meet with RAG in the coming week and to ensure better community liaison as plans are formulated for the future.
Jeremy said: “I am pleased that SITA are engaging. Local residents have put up with the effects of the activities at Runfold for a long time and now it is essential to work out in what form they will get their land back”.
John Slater said: “It is great that SITA are prepared to work with us. Local residents have some useful ideas and an open forum for discussion will ensure the land is restored in the most appropriate way”.