A rather damp, chilly Friday evening in January didn't stop more than 100 people attending St Andrews Church, Farnham for the first in a series of 'In Conversation' events. The topic for the inaugural event was Mental Health & Well-Being.
Chaired by The Revd. David Uffindell, the speakers for the evening were:
- Mick Brooks – Waverley Abbey (theological)
- Jeremy Hunt MP (political)
- Dr Lucy Abbott (A Consultant Geriatrician at a local hospital)
- Dr Helen Roberts (local GP)
- Julie Wise (local charity support)
Each of the five speakers presented their own take on the subject of Mental Health & Well-Bring and then took questions from the audience who asked a wide ranging number of questions and made some important points and comments - each of which were answered by the five speakers.
Tweeting at the event, Jeremy Hunt said: "Taking part in an excellent Mental Health roundtable event in Farnham this evening. Thanks to Revd David Uffindell of @st_farnham for organising and drawing attention to how important it is to discuss mental health issues openly. #MentalHealth #wellbeing"
Feedback was very positive on the evening with 25% of the attendees signing up for information on future events.
If you are interested in learning more about this event or future 'In Conversation' evenings, please contact the church on [email protected]