Local MP Jeremy Hunt has spoken out amidst concerns that plans contained in the new Health and Social Care Bill will leave Haslemere Hospital at a disadvantage because it will need to be linked solely with one county. At the moment Haslemere serves patients from three counties and there is a fear that a coterminous relationship solely with Surrey would mean the hospital would lose up to a third of its patients who currently come from West Sussex and East Hampshire. Jeremy is seeking clarity from the Secretary of State for Health on this matter. He has written to him to ask whether hospitals like Haslemere where patients are referred from three areas will be assessed on an individual basis before a coterminous status is determined.
There is also concern that Assura have not yet signed the contract to take over the delivery of healthcare services from Surrey Community Health. This was meant to happen in December 2011. However Jeremy has been assured by Anne Walker of Surrey PCT that the delay is to ensure the best possible outcome for patients and staff as both parties continue to negotiate every aspect of the new arrangement before finalising the new contract.
Jeremy says: “I hope that Assura and NHS Surrey are able to complete the transfer of services soon but I am glad they are crossing every ‘T’ and dotting every ‘I’. They are about to undertake a huge responsibility for delivering healthcare services in South West Surrey and it is essential that every last detail is correct”.