Godalming came out in force on Friday 20 July as up to 28,000 people lined the streets to welcome the Olympic flame through the town. Jeremy was thrilled to see so many people cheering and waving as he passed through the town to the Pepperpot where he was able to witness his nominated torchbearer Dan Eley pass the flame on to celebrity torchbearer Roger Black.The day's festivities included a sports day style event at The Bury's, an Olympic song composed by local schoolchildren, a concert by Godalming Rock Choir and the unveiling of a statue to honour the torchbearers. Farnham's gold medal winner Rachel Morris was there for the occasion and Jeremy wished her luck for the Paralympics. Jeremy said: ""this was an extremely special day for Godalming,. The atmosphere was electric and seeing everyone so jubilant and excited was amazing. The streets were draped in bunting and bursting with people waving flags as the torchbearers ran by. It was an unforgettable day for everyone involved and an excellent way to welcome in the Olympic Games"".