
Regular constituency update - October 12

Good afternoon and welcome to my regular South West Surrey update No. 77.  As of today, we have a total of 603,716 positive cases of COVID-19 with 42,825 confirmed deaths in the UK.

Regular constituency update - October 8

Good afternoon and welcome to my regular South West Surrey update No. 75.  As of today, we have a total of 544,275 positive cases of COVID-19 with 42,515 confirmed deaths in the UK.

Regular constituency update - October 5

Good afternoon and welcome to my regular South West Surrey update No. 74.  As of today, we have a total of 502,978 positive cases of COVID-19 with 42,350 confirmed deaths in the UK.

Regular constituency update - October 1

Good afternoon and welcome to my regular South West Surrey update No. 73.  As of today, we have a total of 453,264 positive cases of COVID-19 with 42,143 confirmed deaths in the UK.

Regular constituency update - September 24

Good afternoon and welcome to my regular South West Surrey email update No. 72.  As of today, we have a total of 409,729 positive cases of COVID-19 with sadly 41,862 confirmed deaths in the UK.

Regular constituency update - September 21

Good afternoon and welcome to my regular South West Surrey email update No. 71.  As of today, we have a total of 394,257 positive cases of COVID-19 with sadly 41,777 confirmed deaths in the UK.

Regular constituency update - September 17

Good afternoon and welcome to my regular South West Surrey email update No. 70.  As of today, we have a total of 378,219 positive cases of COVID-19 with sadly 41,684 confirmed deaths in the UK. There have been 5,574confirmed cases in Surrey and 554 in Waverley with an estimated 65 current cases.

Regular constituency update - September 14

Good afternoon and welcome to my regular South West Surrey email update no. 69.  As of today, we have a total of 368,504 positive cases of COVID-19 with sadly 41,628 confirmed deaths in the UK. There are 5,514 confirmed cases in Surrey and 550 confirmed cases in Waverley.